by Seth J. Frantzman

The more I read about the “US betrayed Kurds,” I don’t think it’s a betrayal; I think it was calculated primarily at the State Department by Pompeo and Jeffrey since last year. The goal was to end America’s involvement with the SDF but in such a way that the SDF would be partially destroyed in Kurdish areas so that the US would only end up with Arab tribal areas and the Arab component of the SDF, which the US viewed as vetted and non-YPG.

PLEASE JOIN ME TRYING TO GET THIS Twitter campaign going where sing or we try to learn and sing this song, Ax Kobane, sung top by an injured YPJ fighter, injured in a firefight with ISIS, and RECORD it on a short video!


As much or as little as you like and however you like. In a group or alone.

Look, the Euphrates River is Flowing with Blood!

"They worship the devil, the sun, the earth, and fire, it is said.

The devil that rebelled against God, it is said. 

Who did see the devil? Who did appear before God? 

In some respect, Yezidis are right. 

It is the earth, the sun, water and air that brings life into being and creates. 

Yezidis turn their face toward the sun and say prayers three times a day, at sunrise, at noon and at sunset.

0:23(man) We escaped from Khanesor village. We don’t know what to do. They [Isis] came, then we escaped. We are trying to save our children 

0:35 (little girl) We escaped. No food, no water, hungry and thirsty. There is nothing to eat. They raided our village, then We escaped in the night time. Our feet is hurting from walking. 

1:05 (lady) what can we say. We been ruined. Left homeless on the mountains. we were devastated. Nothing to eat. Our children are hungry.

Brief translation from Kurdish-Kurmanji:

Kobanê (her town under attack by islamic jihadists, ISIS, in Northern Syria on the border with Turkey)

We say Kobanê is not alone, we know it has the support of Cizîr, Derîk, Kerkuk and Hewlêr (names of other Kurdish towns in Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan).

Kobanê, 25th March 2014

Urgent Call to UN and European Union

The region of Kobanê (Ayn-Al-Arab) has been under attack from gangs linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) for about 3 weeks. ISIS has been attacking the area from three directions: Jarablus to the west, Sarrin to the south, and Tal Abyad to the east.

Respondent for the Campaign: Bekir Bozdağ , Justice Minister

Free İLHAN ÇOMAK who is on trial for the last 20 years!

Media coverage in Turkey has been occupied by the intense discussion over re-trial issues in recent days.

One of the people who have suffered from this is Ilhan Çomak, who has been kept under detention for the last 20 years waiting to hear the verdict in the court case against him.
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Hevallo's Large Image Archive for use by Kurdish Social Media Warriors.
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Hevallo's Mission Statement.
Hevallo's Mission Statement.
Hevallo began because of the constant psychological warfare and criminalisation of the Kurdish Freedom Struggle in Turkey. There are not a lot of websites/blogs in English, that give uptodate information from a pro-Kurdish perspective and challenge the label of 'terrorist' that is so readily accepted by the Western governments and media. Hevallo tries to do that. You can contact us at: THE PKK ARE NOT TERRORISTS THEY ARE FREEDOM FIGHTERS! THE KURDISH PEOPLE ARE VICTIMS OF TURKISH STATE TERROR!
UNBAN THE PKK in UK! Decriminalise the Kurdish Freedom Movement!
UNBAN THE PKK in UK! Decriminalise the Kurdish Freedom Movement!
A New Chance for Peace?
A New Chance for Peace?
A New Chance for Peace?
Source: Kurdish Info
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Handy Links for News and Research on The Kurdish Question. Cut and Paste censored links.
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Sehid Namerin! In memory of Kurdish Freedom Fighters who have fallen.
Sehid Namerin! In memory of Kurdish Freedom Fighters who have fallen.
President Abdullah Ocalan.
President Abdullah Ocalan.
President Abdullah Ocalan.
Abdullah Ocalan, President of the PKK. Without Abdullah Ocalan and the PKK, there would argueably be no Kurdish Question today in Turkey. The brutal forced assimilation process began by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk would have undoubtedly succeded and no-one would today feel confident to call themselves a Kurd. Recently a petition was collected with 3 million signatures calling for his release. Tests carried out of his DNA have confirmed that he is being slowly poisoned in prison.
Mazlum Dogan
Mazlum Dogan
Mazlum Dogan
Although enduring systematic and terrible torture in Diyarbakir prison, Mazlum found the strength and sparked the Kurdish Serhildan on the day of the Kurdish New Year, Newroz, March 21st 1982, by setting fire to his own body as a act of resistance against the crimes perpetrated against the Kurdish people by the Turkish regime.This form of resistance has been emulated by many others since.
Ehmede Xani
Ehmede Xani
Ehmede Xani
Father of Kurdish Nationalism. Philosopher and poet he wrote one the most famous of Kurdish epics, Mem O Zin
Musa Anter
Musa Anter
Musa Anter
A Kurdish cultural icon and legend. Musa Anter was a writer who did not fear the Turkish regime. He was gunned down in Diyarbakir in a cowardly assassination 20th Sept 1992. An elderly Kurdish gentleman deeply feared by the Turkish state. He is now a Kurdish legend.
4,000 Kurdish towns, villages and hamlets brutally destroyed.
4,000 Kurdish towns, villages and hamlets brutally destroyed.
4,000 Kurdish towns, villages and hamlets brutally destroyed.
This is Lice. A Kurdish town of over 30,000 burnt to the ground by teams of flame throwers, tanks, squads of soldiers and helicopters. Over 4,000 Kurdish towns and villages were destroyed like this. Many tens of thousands of innocent Kurdish villagers extra judicially killed in the most barbaric ways imaginable.
Kurdish political prisoners.
Kurdish political prisoners.
Kurdish political prisoners.
Tens of thousands of Kurdish people are incarcerated in Turkish prisons for doing often no more than to campaign for Kurdish rights. Sometimes just to look Kurdish is enough to be a crime.
Martyrs of the Kurdish Freedom Struggle.
Martyrs of the Kurdish Freedom Struggle.
Martyrs of the Kurdish Freedom Struggle.
Agit. The First Martyr of PKK
Kurdish automony
Kurdish automony
Kurdish automony
Many Kurdish councils are getting themselves organised and are working hard to provide self help services to the Kurdish population like this carpet co-op. The central Turkish government of course starve the Kurdish region of finances.
Kurdish power.
Kurdish power.
Kurdish power.
The Kurdish people are at their strongest and most highly political. As can be witnessed every Newroz time when millions openly take to the streets to show support for the PKK. This frightens the government. In 2006 , the day after millions of Kurds celebrated Newroz the government planned an incident of a young child kicking a Turkish flag on the ground (below). Because of this the whole Kurdish population were branded as traitors by the media and political and army leaders. This then led to a right wing nationalist backlash. This is typical of politics in Turkey.
"Flag incident"
"Flag incident"
FAIR USE NOTICE This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Hevallo is making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of The Kurdish Question in Turkey which is subjected to misrepresentation and psychological misinformation. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material in Copyright Law. For more see here. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
Hevallo actively promotes a better understanding of the Kurdish People's Freedom Struggle
Hevallo actively promotes a better understanding of the Kurdish People's Freedom Struggle
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